Hayling Island u3a articles

Articles of general interest to Hayling Island u3a members

Walking routes

The following pages contain maps of some of the walks done by the Walking group since September 2015. You'll see a button to show the route towards the bottom of each linked page. You will also see a button to download a 'GPX' and/or 'KMZ' file that you can use with:

  • a GPS device
  • a smart phone with a suitable app (such as Osmand)
  • a PC with suitable software (such as Google Earth)
  • a web site that can work with route files (such as GPS Visualizer)

You can use the maps to plan another walk for the Walking group, or to walk the route yourself.

Available maps:

Places to meet

We have attempted to identify places on the Island where groups can meet. Please let the web site editor know of errors and omissions.

Click/tap any of these headings for more information...

Hayling Island Community Centre

Station Road
PO11 0HB

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet their and contact their group leaders for more information.

There's a lot of information about the centre, including booking information, in the Hayling Island Community Centre Association web site.

To get to the Community Centre by car, you go through the Station Road car park and the Centre has its own car park. Both can get busy on occasions (not least when we hold our monthly meetings).

Access is wheelchair-friendly.

Age Concern Hall

Sunnyside Hall
14 Webb Lane
PO11 9JE

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

Facilities are good for a relatively small group. 'Painting and drawing 3' finds eight is a comfortable number.

It has a good kitchen but parking is restricted to a maximum of around five cars.

Current cost (early 2024) of £8 per hour is very reasonable.

Click/tap here to login to redisplay this page with contact details. Click/tap here to see the hall's Facebook page.

Barley Mow

Manor Road
PO11 0EZ

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

The Barley Mow's web site is here. It is happy to accommodate meetings provided attendees partake of some refreshment. You should contact the Barley Mow to explain what you're planning before meeting there.

Hayling Golf Club

Links Lane
PO11 0BX

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

Find out about the Golf Club's facilities and room hire arrangements here.

Langbrook Farm

2A Langstone Road

The farm's web site is here.

It's early days, but the Ukulele group has had a warm reception. It was offered the central area which is a good size and partially enclosed, but can be easily overheard.

There's no requirment to use the Langbrook's services, but there's obviously an expectation.

Newtown House Hotel

The hotel's web site is here.

At the time of writing (October '24) we're still exploring this venue. The Dominoes group will use two tables in the bar area, but has been offered the Garden room if there are sufficient numbers.

There is no cost but an expectation for members to buy a drink (or two).

There is normally plenty of parking in the hotel car park.

Booking is via Sarah on 07786 918473. She is actively seeking groups to play or practice there. There is also a contact form here.

Radford Hall

West Town Park
PO11 0JD

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

Royal British Legion

Legion Road
PO11 9ES

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

The Hayling branch's web site is here.

The RBL has plenty of parking and good facilities for drinks and snacks.

Heating can be a problem on cold days.

The earliest start time is 11am.

St Patrick's Church Hall

Manor Road
PO11 0QU

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

The St Patrick's web page is here and includes a contact for hall booking.

There is a car park in front of the church.


20 Victoria Avenue
PO11 9AJ

Click/tap here to see the location and a HIU3A events list. Use the list to identify which groups meet there and contact their group leaders for more information.

Seacourt provides a range of racket-based courts and a Petanque Terrain. It's web site is here.

It has a large car park in front of the building.

South Hayling URC halls

Hollow Lane
PO11 9EY

The URC's web site here provides information about facilities and booking.

The West Town Inn

52 Station Road
PO11 0EL

David Giffard (French conversation deux) writes:

They have a book at the bar where they make the booking. No money to book but we buy drinks. There is a room behind the bar with a table and chairs for 8. If someone books it for an event, then it won't be available. As the room has no windows, its less attractive for drinkers and eaters, but OK for talkers.

The West Town's web site is here.

Wimborne Care Home

Selsmore Road
PO11 9JZ

We've been offered space for meetings and the opportunity to use the care home's catering for refreshments.

Click/tap here for it's web site which includes contact information.

Photo ids for elections

Starting with the local government elections on Thursday 4th May, you will be required to present a photo id in order to vote.

Most people will have a passport or driving licence but older people, especially, might not.

There are fortunately some alternatives, including:

  • a PASS card (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
  • a Blue Badge
  • an older person’s bus pass
  • a disabled person’s bus pass

The government's web site, which explains the new requirement, says "The photo on your ID must look like you. You can still use your ID even if it has expired." However, you might not want to trust to an expired document.

If you're still stuck for a photo id, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. But you shouldn't leave it to the last minute.

Why you can't reply directly to some of our emails

You might receive an email with a big blue box that warns you about replying without changing the reply address.

Why is that?

Two reasons:

  1. Our email provider - Amazon - requires us to register all the email addresses we use to send email. It's impractical to do that for all members. It does, however, allow us to send using any email address ending in @hayling.org.
  2. Internet Service Providers are increasingly insisting that emails sent using their domains (such as gmail.com) must come from one of their servers. If we use one of their email addresses to send mail from our web site, it will probably be rejected.

We can send and receive emails using any valid address ending in @haylingu3a.org so there's no problem replying to messages coming from any of those addresses, and you don't see the warning.

When composing a reply to a message with the 'blue box', you can select the highlighted address in the warning message and paste it into the reply address. You can also right click the highlighted address, select 'Copy link' (or similar) and paste that into the reply address.

If you want to start a completely new conversation with the sender, you can normally click/tap the sender's name in the warning message.

If you forget to change the reply address so you reply to emailer@haylingu3a.org, we try to determine who you meant to reply to and, if we can, we forward it on for you. We will, in any case, send you an email to let you know whether we were able to forward it, or not.

Publish an electronic newsletter

Here are some notes about publishing an electronic version of the HIU3A newsletter.

Click any entry to see detail...

Start a new newsletter

Log in to the web site and:

  1. Click 'Site dashboard' in any page footer.
  2. Click 'Newsletters' in the sidebar and the 'Add new' button.
  3. Put the edition of your new newsletter in the title box; for example: "Summer 2022". It will be shown in the title bar of every page of your newsletter.
Add an article

Every article starts with a paragraph like this:

{article xxx|yyy|zzz}

This allows the web site to spot where each article starts and provides the information it needs to create the edition:

xxx is the title of the article.
yyy is an optional web address of an image to show at the top of the article.
zzz is an abstract/subheading shown beneath the title in the body of the article and in the contents sidebar.


  • The title should be just a few words
  • The abstract/title should provide enough information to give the reader an idea of what it's about and encourage them to read it
  • To add the image web address:
    • Place your cursor where you need to insert it
    • Use the 'Add an image' procedure below specifying: blank caption, no link and full size
  • The image should ideally be 1200 pixels wide and up to 650 pixels high. A narrower image won't always fill the available space, a taller image will push the article text down, obscuring it from the reader.

Everything you enter after the initial {article} paragraph up to the next {article} paragraph (or the end of the newsletter) is the body of the article.

Paste the text of an article

You can paste text directly from Word - and it might look OK to start with - but you'll have pasted a ton of HTML mark-up with it. That will interfere with the newsletter layout and cause unexpected results if you try to edit the text.

Instead, paste your text as unformatted and then format it in WordPress. There are several ways to paste an unformatted document:

  1. Paste it into Windows Notepad first and paste it into your article from there.
  2. Click the 'Paste as text' button in the WordPress toolbar before pasting.
  3. Right click where you want the text to go, and you might see a 'Paste as plain text' option.
Mark up the text

The WordPress toolbar contains buttons that work intuitively to mark up your text:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Strikethrough
  • Underline
  • Bullet lists
  • Number lists
  • Left, right and centre justification
  • Superscript and subscript

When adding lists you can use 'Increase indent' at the beginning of an item to nest a list within the current list. 'Decrease indent' returns you to the enclosing list. 'Decrease indent' will end the list if there is no enclosing list (as will pressing Enter twice).

To start a new line without starting a new paragraph, use shift-enter.

Add a sub-heading

The page uses 'Heading 2' for the article heading. You should therefore use 'Heading 3' in the 'Paragraph' drop down to add a sub-heading.


  • You'll see the sub-heading appear in the style of the main web site, not how it appears in a newsletter article
  • 'Heading 4' and subsequent headings are not defined in the newsletter stylesheet, but could be if needed.
Add quoted text

Place your cursor in a paragraph you want to quote (or drag it across multiple paragraphs) and click the quote button in the toolbar to show them indented, italicised, and with a bar to the left.

Add a link to a web page or newsletter article

Highlight the text you want to make into a link and:

  1. Click the 'Insert/edit link' button
  2. Enter the web address (usually starting http), select 'New window' as target and click 'OK'.

You can link to other articles in the current or previous electronic editions. Use an address like this:


to link to an article in the current edition, or add the above to the address of a previous edition. x is the number of the article starting with 1 so haylingu3a.org/u3anewsletter/winter-2021/?pagenumber=3 links to the third article in the Winter 2021 edition.

Specifying 'New window' is important because it will leave the newsletter showing where the reader left off when they close the linked page.

NB it's best to link text rather than the address. The printed version automatically appends the web address to each link so, if you link the address, it will appear twice in the printed text.

To remove a link, put your cursor in the linked text and click the 'Remove link' button.

Add a print option

To create a link that allows the reader to print the page, add a link (as described in the previous section) to:


Prepare an image for uploading

Consider cropping images if that makes the subject clearer or removes distracting elements.

Review the size of your image. When you upload it, the web site will automatically reduce large images to a maximum width/height of 1400 pixels, but there is also an upload limit of 2Mb. You might therefore need to resize the image first.

Images used for article headings will never be shown larger than 1200 pixels wide. Consider reducing them to that width before uploading them. To avoid obscuring the title of your article, you should also crop the image to a maximum height of around 650 pixels.

If you are including small images that you never want to show any larger, resize them to the dimensions you want and insert them full size. That will reduce the overhead on the web site and its backups.

I use free software Paint.net to resize and crop images.

Add an image

There are several ways to add an image, here's one:

  1. Place your cursor where you want the image to appear. For best results, place it at the start of a paragraph.
  2. Click the 'Add Media' button above the toolbar.
  3. If the image you want is already in the library, select it. Otherwise select the 'Upload files' tab and either drag your image onto the box or click 'Select Files' to select it.
  4. With your image uploaded and selected, you'll see an 'Attachment details' sidebar:
    • Optionally, enter a caption.
    • Select the image alignment.
    • Select the displayed size. For small images select 'full size'. For left/right justified images select '300px' (or maybe a little larger) or less. For centred images select '600px' or less. For unjustified images that you want to show across the entire width of the page, select the smallest size greater than 700 pixels. There's no problem using 'full size' in this situation, the browser will automatically resize as necessary.
    • Do not select a custom size. That forces the browser to use your specified size even on mobile phones when it would be better to resize the image.
    • 'Link to' should be 'media file' if you have a large image you want to display on top of the article: either there is a larger size than the one you selected, or the size you selected is significantly greater than 730 pixels (the maximum width of a newsletter column). Otherwise link to 'none'.
  5. Click 'Insert into post' to see your image in the article.
  6. Finally, if you selected 'Link to' 'Media File', click the image to see a small toolbar, click 'Edit', enter fancybox in the 'Link CSS Class' box, and click 'Update'. This will display a larger version of the image on top of the article (together with activating some hints that a larger version is available).

If you change your mind about how you want to display the image, you can:

  • Click the image and use the toolbar to make adjustments; or
  • Delete the image and start again (but this time the image will be uploaded already).
Add a breakout box

Use a shortcode as follows:


The text, images, etc to show in the breakout box go here. Can be multiple paragraphs, bullets, etc.


The text in square brackets should be paragraphs on their own, or you might get some odd effects. The above will align your breakout box to the right of the column. To align it to the left use:

[u3a-breakout align="left"]

Stuff for the box goes here.


Add a contact link

Use a shortcode like this:

[u3a-member-contact loginid="Andy" newwindow="yes"]Contact Andy[/u3a-member-contact].

Which would generate:

Contact Andy.

Or to generate a button instead of a link, use something like:

[u3a-member-contact loginid="Andy" class="link-as-button" newwindow="yes" ]Contact Andy[/u3a-member-contact]

to generate:

Contact Andy

You can find someone's login id from the member lookup service. To add multiple recipients, provide additional loginid2, loginid3, etc parameters (up to loginid5).

Add a video

To add a YouTube video, display it in YouTube, pause it and:

  1. Click 'Share'
  2. Click 'Embed'
  3. From the displayed HTML, make a note of:
    • width
    • height
    • the embed code at the end of the src= parameter (typically nine alphanumeric characters)

In your article, add a shortcode in a paragraph on its own like this:

[u3a-youtube videocode="xxx" width="yyy" height="zzz" enclosureisalternate="yes"]alternate text here [/u3a-youtube]

Using the stuff you noted above:

  • xxx is the embed code
  • yyy is the width
  • zzz is the height

There's no point displaying the video when someone prints the article so, instead, the site will use the alternate text you provide. I suggest something like...

Video is suppressed in this printed copy. You can see it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxx.

... where xxx is the embed code.

Insert a table

To add a table to your article:

  1. Place your cursor in a new paragraph where you want to add your table
  2. Click the 'Table' button in the toolbar
  3. Click 'Table' to see a grid, highlight the number of rows and columns you want (if you want more, you can add them later). and click to add your table.

Add your text into the table cells. Pressing enter at the end of the last row adds another row.

To make the top row into a heading:

  1. Put your cursor in the top row
  2. Click the Table button and Row / Table row properties
  3. Change 'Row type' to 'Header' and click OK

There's no equivalent option to convert a column to a 'heading', To do that:

  1. Highlight the cell(s) you want to be a heading
  2. Click the Table button and Cell / Table cell properties
  3. Change 'Cell type' to 'Header cell' and click OK

You can also make the bottom row a footer to, for example, show column totals:

  1. Put your cursor in the bottom row
  2. Click the Table button and Row / Table row properties
  3. Change 'Row type' to 'Footer' and click OK

WordPress assumes you want columns to be equal sizes, but that's rarely the case. To allow browsers to use column widths to that match your text:

  1. Select every cell in the table
  2. Click the Table button and Row / Table row properties
  3. Put auto in the width box and click OK
Show/hide stuff only in printed version

This is useful for features that work or are supported only on-screen. You can suppress them in the printed version and display alternative text instead.

Use a shortcode as follows:


Text, images, etc included here appear only when viewed online.


The text in square brackets should either be in paragraphs on their own, or you can include them both in a single paragraph like this example that shows the u3a-print-only shortcode:

This is [u3a-screen-only]stuff to show on-screen[/u3a-screen-only][u3a-print-only]stuff to show in printed version[/u3a-print-only].

Preview your work

The styles used in the WordPress editor are those from the main site, so it won't look quite the same when you publish it.

You can preview your work by clicking the 'Preview' button in the WordPress Publish box. From the preview, you can preview the printed version by clicking the 'Print this edition' button in the footer.

To return to editing, close the preview tab in your browser.

Save your work

WordPress automatically saves your work from time to time. If you want to ensure your latest changes are saved before you take a break, click the 'Save Draft' button in the WordPress Publish box.

Take care, however, if you've already published your work. The 'Save Draft' button removes your document from the web site.

Edit a newsletter

If you are logged-in to the site and are authorised to edit newsletters, you will see an Edit button in the footer of all newsletters. Click it to see the edit page.

To return to a newsletter that hasn't been published yet, log in to the web site and:

  1. Click 'Site dashboard' in any page footer
  2. Click newsletters in the left-hand side bar
  3. Hover your mouse over the newsletter you want to edit and click the Edit link to see the edit page.
Publish for review

Before you make your new edition of the newsletter available, you might want to do a final check yourself and, maybe, send it to contributors for review.

To do that, go to the WordPress 'Publish' box, under 'Visibility' set a password and click the Publish button (which might have changed to Update).

You can then send a new edition link to reviewers together with your selected password. No-one else will be able to see it.

Also, if you add the word "draft" anywhere in your title, the site will automatically remove it from all searches.

Publish to the site

When you're happy with your work, go to the WordPress 'Publish' box, under 'Visibility' select 'Public' to make it available to everyone or 'Private' to make it available only to members. Then click the Publish button (which might have changed to Update).

When building an edition of the newsletter, the site processes the first article slightly differently than the rest:

  • The online version shows the contents sidebar on the left rather than the right, making it more prominent.
  • The printed version assumes the first article is a short, introductory one, so doesn't split it into two columns.

A very successful open day

We were very fortunate that the sun was shining and the weather warm. Many of our exhibitors started arriving at 8.30 am and the doors were opened at both the Community Centre and Radford Hall at 10 am.

An area on the field was cordoned off for Petanque, Croquet and Walking Netball, allowing members and visitors to take part in demonstrations and taster sessions.

Visitors started to arrive immediately and there was a continuous flow of people throughout the day. The attendance level was fantastic, and there was definite buzz throughout the various venues.

All exhibits were popular with many requests to join our current groups and suggestions on possible new subject areas. The outside activities of Petanque, Croquet and Walking Netball were particularly busy with many people joining in.

The music groups put on an excellent programme of music between 10 am and 2 pm demonstrating their musical talents. Visitors listened on, whilst taking refreshments and sampling some of the lovely cakes that many donated.

The membership desk was frantic at times with long queues of people wanting to join our organisation, so our Membership Secretary Peter Haskell will be very busy over the next few days/weeks going through all the forms!

The Hayling Island Bowls Club were available to talk with members and visitors about the starting up of a Lawn Bowls group on their new ‘All weather’ facilities. Unfortunately, the contractors had not quite finished laying the surface for our Open Day, but a taster session will be available on the 8th October between 10am and 12 noon. All are welcome.

The Lady Mayoress Rosie Raines, joined us at 1.30 pm and wandered around the exhibits, talking to the exhibitors and visitors and finding out about our activities. The day was ended with our afternoon speaker, Malcom Wells with a talk “So far so Good” followed by tea and cake.

There will be much to do in the coming weeks and months to start up new groups to meet the needs of our members both old and new. Keep an eye out for notices on new start up groups as we begin to integrate them into our portfolio.

The success of the Open Day can only be attributed to the hard work of the Executive Committee, group leaders, and their members both before and during the event. A big thank you to all those who helped and participated before and on the day. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Julie and Anne

No landline telephone network after 2025

The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and ISDN lines will be switched off by 2025. You can see a statement from OpenReach here. Instead, telephone calls will be made via:

  • Broadband
  • The mobile phone network

Unfortunately, there's very little information to help you prepare for the change, and what there is comes from providers touting their own solutions. Here's what I've been able to glean so far...

Will it just affect phones?

No, the switch-off affects everything connected to the telephone network including:

  • Fax machines
  • Alarm systems
  • Aid call systems
Can we keep our telephone number?

Simple answer: yes.

However, it's unclear how providers will handle the change. BT, for example, has nothing I can find on its site and continues to sell landline phones without any warning.

It does sell Voice Over IP (VOIP) - internet phones - but, for the time being, they are aimed at businesses.

There's no indication of how new voice services will be charged. Given the way internet phones work, you'll be able to choose from a huge range of different providers offering their own blend of services - and costs. So there's a fair chance you'll want to change provider. My best guess is that you'll be able to take your number with you to a different provider - like you can with mobile phones - but I don't see a guarantee of that.

Can we keep our existing phones?

Simple answer: yes.

I expect there will be products that allow you to:

  • connect your phone(s) to a plug that works like the PSTN
  • replace your DECT hub

Either way, the new box of tricks will connect your phone(s) to the new phone network via broadband or the mobile phone network.

However, you might not benefit from the full range of services that will be offered by the new, digital phone network.

Will we need a phone?


Many people already use mobile phones instead of landlines. And I expect you will be able to make and receive calls from your landline number using a mobile phone.

Also, the new service will be digital and one of the benefits it brings is that you'll be able to make and receive calls on a range of devices I expect these will include:

  • PC's and laptops
  • Smart speakers - such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home (or Nest or whatever they call it this week)
  • Video calling devices - look out for enhancements to Amazon Show, for example
  • Smart TVs
  • Game consoles
Do we need to do something now?

If your current phones work OK and you've no good reason to change, stick with what you have, wait and see.

You'll no doubt get offers from your landline provider eventually - but you might be able to get a cheaper/better service by shopping around.

For the time being, if your phone uses rechargeable batteries and they don't keep a charge, consider extending their life by replacing the batteries - most phones allow you to do that.

If you rely on, or make heavy use of, other equipment that connects to the phone line:

  • Consider, alternative technologies. For example there are other ways to transfer images besides fax.
  • Contact your alarm or aid call providers and ask what they're planning - again, it might not be best to accept their first offers.
Are there things we shouldn't do?

Unless absolutely necessary, I suggest you shouldn't:

  • Invest heavily in any device that requires a phone line.
  • Sign a long-term contract for any service that requires a phone line.
  • Buy an internet phone now - as far as I can see devices on the market are either:
    • Business-oriented (i.e over-complex and expensive)
    • Tied to specific services
    • Or both

Video conferencing notes and guidance

If you are new to video conferencing then there are any number of applications in the market including:

  • Microsoft’s:
    • Skype
    • Meet
    • Teams
  • Apple Facetime
  • Facebook Messenger
  • WhatsApp
  • Google Hangouts
  • Zoom

Our web site provides a free video conferencing facility via each group's page, so go along and have a look and set up your first group meeting.

What do you require to join in a video conference?

  • a Computer PC, Laptop, Tablet or phone, a larger screen has its advantages.
  • speakers (external or internal) or headphones
  • a microphone
  • a decent internet connection with a good data allowance.

The following notes help you join and participate in a Zoom meeting. Having read them, click here if you are interested in hosting your own Zoom meeting.

Participate in a Zoom meeting

The key to successful video conferencing is to ensure that you follow some simple rules:

  • Make sure that your face has the light shining on it by facing windows, or a table light, otherwise you will look dark to others in the meeting on their screen. You should be able to see yourself in your mini view screen and then adjust the lighting.
  • Make sure that you position the camera of your PC, laptop, tablet, phone so gives a head and shoulders view of you. This has the advantage that you will be close enough to the camera and microphone so that other users will see and hear you.
  • Should there be a large number of participants in the video conference (meeting), Mute your microphone and, when you wish to speak, hold your hand up or use the chat feature to send a message to the host (or others in the call). If everyone speaks at the same time no one will be heard. The host can also mute everyone to prevent interruptions.

Test your computer

To ensure that your computer equipment is OK for video conferencing you need to check it is configured correctly. Use zoom.us/test to do this. When you are on the Test page just follow the instructions. There are tests to configure your microphone, speakers and video.

Below is a brief description of the icons you will see on the test and normal screens. When you move your mouse pointer over the screen you will see menus appear either along the bottom or top of the screen.

These are the icons you should see: (There are couple of other icon that the Host will see)...

Click/tap this icon to mute and unmute yourself. If you have a keyboard, you can also hold the space bar down to temporarily un-mute yourself. When someone speaks their screen will have a yellow border around it, because they have the ‘focus’.

Click/tap this icon to allow/disallow people to see you via your camera.

Click/tap on ‘Participants’ to list the names of people in the meeting. If you want to change your name (Zoom can give you the 'name' of your computer as a default). mouse over/tap your entry to see a 'More' icon; click/tap it to see a 'Rename' option.

This icon allows you to send a message to ‘everyone’, or one person in the meeting by selecting them. Consider sending questions to the speaker or host rather than everyone so they can see it and answer accordingly.

The Host can also ‘Record’ the meeting so that it could be shown to others at a later stage.

The host and and any participant (if allowed by the host), can share views from their device. For example, a presenter can share images or a PowerPoint presentation to attendees.

There are other more advanced features in the Zoom application, which I will leave you to explore.

Now that you have tested your computer you are ready to go.

Join a Zoom Meeting

To join a meeting without downloading the Zoom application you need a link you can click on from an email or notice invitation.

This is an example email notification sent from Zoom that shows a typical meeting link:

Fred Bloggs is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Tuesday School presentation

Time: Jan 12, 2021 09:15 London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 0504 9148

Passcode: 345201

When you click the link you will be taken directly to the presentation. If you are too early, you'll either see a message telling you the presentation date and time, or one asking you to wait until the host starts the meeting.

Just before you join the meeting you will see another window that:

  • Asks you to confirm your name.
  • Allows you to join with/without video. If you elect not to show video (or if you do not have a connected camera) other participants will see a picture containing your name.

When you join the meeting you will see the host's screen and your image in a small window with your name on it. If you select 'View options' at the top of the screen you can switch to gallery view that attempts to show images of all the participants However, there is a limit to how many people you can see due to the screen size of your device. It's not a particularly useful option if there are a large number of participants.

Note that you can reduce the load on your internet connection by using 'Active speaker' view. You will see just one other person, but Zoom will try to switch automatically to the person who is speaking.

Hosting a Zoom meeting

This note explains how to get a copy of the Zoom software and use it to create an online meeting.

Download Zoom

If you want to host meetings using Zoom then you will need to download the ‘Zoom Client for Meetings’ application, this will allow you to schedule your own meetings and you can also use it to join in other meetings. We suggest you download the app from the Zoom download page as there are other apps that pretend to be Zoom and it's not always easy to tell the difference.

If you find yourself in a list of apps, the one you want is called ‘Zoom Client Meetings’ and has a logo like the one on the right. Install the application and follow the instructions to create a free or paid account. The free version has a time limit of 40 minutes, but you can always sign out and back in again to continue if you wish. The alternative is to pay for one of the various Plans that Zoom offers.

Create a new meeting

Run the Zoom application you downloaded and you will see this screen:

Click 'Sign In' and you will see this screen:

When you enter your email and password and click 'Sign In' to see this screen:

Here you can select to:

  • Create a new meeting
  • Schedule a meeting in the future and
  • Join a meeting.

I will leave you to explore these options, which are easy to follow.

Share your screen

The 'share screen' option shown during a Zoom meeting or the Zoom application allows the host or any participant to share their desktop or an open window. For example, if someone wants to use a PowerPoint presentation they open the presentation on their computer, click on ‘Share Screen’ and select the PowerPoint window to share it. Everyone in the meeting will see the presentation and follow it as the presenter moves from slide to slide.

As the host, you can prevent participants from using this feature.

It's usually best to share a window rather than your entire desktop to prevent alerts intruding on your presentation. It can get confusing, however. If, for example, you share a Windows Explorer window containing a list of images and click an image the other participants won't see the image because it displays in a new window - not the one you are sharing.

Start your meeting

Run the Zoom application and sign in as shown above.

When you created your meeting you set up a meeting ID and Passcode. Click 'Join' to see:

Enter your meeting ID and your name and click 'Join' to see:

Enter your meeting's passcode to start it. Participants will join automatically.

How to: Add an attachment to web site emails

When you send an email to...

  • Members of one or more groups
  • All group leaders
  • Members booked on a visit
  • Members that haven't paid their subscriptions

… you will see an option to add an attachment to your email.

Click any of these headings to learn more about the facility...

What can I attach to my emails?

You can send an image or photo as long as the file name ends in one of:

  • png
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • gif

You can also send any document created as a 'PDF' - file names end in 'pdf'.

Why can't I attach other types of document?

For example, you might want to attach a Word document.

The problem with other types of document is that your recipients might not have the software needed to open them. All commonly used email readers include the capability to open PDF documents and there is also a free, PDF reader available here.

Most (all?) document creation tools have an option to save a document as a PDF. For example, Microsoft Word and Excel include that option when saving a document.

How big can attachments be?

2 megabytes (2MB).

What if I want to send a larger file?

You can easily re-size photos and other images using one of several, free web sites. For example, this one allows you to: re-size, crop and rotate your picture.

When you create a PDF file you can usually control the resulting size. For example, when you use Microsoft Office to save a document as a PDF you will see a 'More options' link that allows you to choose between 'Standard' and 'Minimum' sizing options. You could also resize any images included with your document or cut out some images altogether.

Alternative methods to email files

You can also send files in other ways. You can:

  • Send links to documents from other web sites. For example, if a restaurant provides a menu at web site address www.allyoucaneat.com/menu, the following text in your email...
    [link http://www.allyoucaneat.com/menu Click here]
    … will link to the menu from the text "Click here".
  • Send links from our web site. If you go to the site dashboard (there's a link to the dashboard at the bottom of every page once you have logged-in to the site), you can upload a file to the site using the 'Media' tab. The site will give you an address for your uploaded file. You can then link to the file from your email using [link web-address text to link from] as above.
  • Create a document on the web site - for example a news item from a group and send the document as an email (using 'Message post id' instead of 'Subject' and 'Message'). Any links you include in your document will also appear in your email.

Note that we strongly suggest you use the option to send your email to a test address before sending the final version out to members. That way you can be sure the resulting email appears as you intended it.

If any of the above restrictions causes you a problem, please contact us.