News of general interest to all members

HIU3A event programme & 'places to meet' updates

Message to group leaders...

Thank you to everyone who added their own event programme for this HIU3A year, and to those who sent me additional information I needed.

I've now completed the event programme for all groups that appear to need them. If you didn't add your own, please check what I've done and let me know of any errors or omissions:

  1. Log in to the HIU3A site
  2. Go to your group page
  3. Your event programme is shown in the 'Forthcoming events' section

Also, The guidance for group leaders has now been approved by the HIU3A committee, and I've added the West Town Inn to the 'Places to meet' article.

Andy Henderson
HIU3A web site editor

Hayling u3a subscription renewal

Dear Hayling u3a Member,

Memberships expire on March 31st 2024 and can now be renewed for 24/25. The fee is £15 for full members and £10 for associate members.

Ways to renew:

  1. Online via the front page of the Hayling u3a web site, where there is a link, and follow the simple instructions, or click/tap here. You can pay by bank transfer or card. You can make a single payment covering two members if that's appropriate.
  2. By post. Sent a cheque payable to 'Hayling Island u3a' or cash with member name and SAE to:
    The Membership Secretary
    c/o 18 St Marys Road
    Hayling Island
    PO11 9BY
  3. In person at the monthly meetings of March or April by card, cash or cheque. As usual, we will have volunteers on standby to process your renewals.

It would save the Treasurer and me a lot of time if you would renew by card in person at the monthly meetings, or online.

Your early attention would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Peter Haskell
Membership secretary

Time to update your group's programme

Note to group leaders...

It's the time of year to review your group's programme of meetings/events on the HIU3A web site.

It's important to maintain the programme in the web site so:

  • Members can refer to it if they are unsure of meeting dates
  • We automatically populate members' electronic diaries with the right information (see here for more details)
  • Group leaders looking for gaps in the monthly schedule to set up their meetings are aware of your group and can avoid unnecessary clashes
  • Prospective new members get a good idea of the range of our activities
  • People looking to join activities on particular days of the week, get to know about your group

The following notes apply to the large majority of groups that use a single recurring event to list all their events. I describe the procedure for one group, the process is the same for each group you lead. I address some exceptions afterwards.

Continue reading Time to update your group's programme

Christmas 2023 newsletter is now available

The Hayling Island U3A Christmas newsletter is now online. Click here to see it. You can use the same link to see past issues of the newsletter.

The first page of the newsletter explains how you can read it on different devices. It also provides a link so you can see the newsletter in its printed version.

Every member gets access to the online version of the newsletter. If you have opted to receive a printed copy it is being distributed by the Scouts.

Julie Taylor
Chair of Hayling Island u3a