Longer walk: The Mardens

This is an undulating walk around the Mardens: West; Up; East; North; Up again; and back to West.

The route comes from Mary Cooper who is familiar with the area.

You can see the proposed route (subject to a recce) together with elevation and gradient graphs here. The walk is 8½ miles. There is a possibility of a slightly longer walk that avoids a bit of lane walking but we'll consider that on the day and only if everyone wants to do it.

The walk starts in West Marden. There's a layby for parking just north of Locksash Lane or else you can park in the road immediately opposite Locksash Lane. We'll meet in the layby.

Please bring plenty to drink, something for a mid-morning break, and a packed lunch.

If you are going by car, I suggest meeting in West Town car park (as usual for the monthly walk) to arrange a car share leaving at 9.15. We'll start the walk as close to ten as possible. I expect to get back to West Marden around 3pm. From there we can adjourn to the Victoria Inn for refreshment.

I've scheduled the walk for 12th October with the option of postponing to the 19th if the weather is a problem.

Please let me know if you're planning to come so we don't leave without you.

This is the route we took:

Click to show the route

Download the GPX file