Meet at West Town Car Park at 9am for car share to East Beach Car Park at Selsey, postcode PO20 0SZ, grid reference SZ866934, for walk start at 10.
The car park is Free of charge and has toilets.
This is a 4.6 mile walk with no stiles. It starts out southwards to Selsey Lifeboat Station then turns to go out of town on the north side to Church Norton. We return to the car park by the edge of Pagham Harbour and the coast. The route is on pavement, cinder roads, hard earth, and pebbly beach - all of which was good and dry underfoot on the recce. However, there may be some mud and puddles in one or two places if we have a lot more rain the week before the walk.
We'll stop at The Bosham Inn (by the A259 about 1 mile from the Emsworth side of the turn to Bosham village) for lunch at 12.45-1.00 on the way back to Hayling.
This is the planned route...