This is the postponed walk originally intended to take place on 27th February. Please keep an eye on the web site and, if you are on the mailing list, your email because the weather is very variable at the moment and we might have to cancel/postpone again.
Andy Henderson is leading the ride as Andrea is away. If enough people are interested, we'll book a table at Lilly's in Wickham Square for lunch (more varied menu than the wine bar). Please let Andy know if you plan on staying for lunch.
4.5 miles
Meet at the public car park by the Hayling Island Community Centre to car share, leaving at 9:15am for the Old Station Car Park, Station Close, off Mill Lane, Wickham, SU574116, postcode PO17 5JY.
We aim to set off from the car park at about10 a.m...
- Head south on the disused railway track.
- Turn northwest through the vineyard SU563107.
- At Titchfield Lane, SU556108, turn right for 100m.
- At the road junction take the stile heading northeast, through Tree Tops Farm.
- Head through Tankerhill Copse slightly uphill, crossing foot bridge over stream on right to emerge to field edge.
- Go right, looping back to Titchfield Lane, SU563119.
- Turn left and stay on the Lane crossing the A334 into Blind Lane, which runs along the top of the ridge.
- Proceed to the crossroad with Mill Lane, SU573124 taking the fingerpost bridleway eastward, to dog leg right & left to the railway bridge.
- Take the descending path to the left, down to the track, turning right, southward, continuing for ½ mile to car park.
There are 2 stiles, we advise boots and stick(s).
Any queries, contact the walk leader: Andy Henderson.
This is the route we took.