The D’Ukes of Hayling performing for the Wednesday Chit Chat Club at the Community Centre in August 2022...
Ukes for U articles
Group report
During the lockdown period we kept in touch via e-mails and telephone calls but then, thanks to the expertise of Peter Haskell we set up some sessions together using Zoom. These gave us social contact but the playing together was difficult. So when things were eased and the weather was fine we held a session playing in Peter’s back garden. Immediately this was better and we have held a second session (see picture) always observing social distances, and we will continue with these as long as the weather holds and rules allow.
We have not been performing at the various places we were booked in to play at in 2020 because of lockdown and the coronavirus preventing groups and events taking place, but we look forward and hope to play for them in 2021.
Alan Bartlett
This is an article published in the Autumn 2020 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter .
Group report
We have had a number of gigs since the beginning of the year. Some have been for the groups themselves ie Memory Clubs and some we have received donations for playing enabling us to send £230 to Naomi House/Jack's Place.
We will be having quite a long summer break before rehearsing Carols for our Christmas gigs already booked.
Avril Keyes
Ukulele Thursday and Ukulele Friday
For those relatively new to the Ukulele or wish to gain confidence and enjoy playing in a small relaxed group for fun.
When? - from first week of September on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 10am and/or the 1st and 3rd Fridays from 4pm.
If you would like to know more please contact Peter Haskell.
This is an article published in the Summer 2019 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter
Group report
This is an article published in the Summer 2018 newsletter ….
The Huggers are continuing to perform and in the last few months have played for The Rowan's Day Care Centre, The Memory Clubs in Fareham and on Hayling, The Rainbow Centre in Fareham and Daisy Chain on Hayling. Donations we were given have been sent in their entirety to Naomi House/ Jack's Place.
We will be playing at the Hayling 3 Churches fete in August.
A brief gap in performing has given us the opportunity to find new songs to increase our repertoire. December will find us 'in panto' at Northney Village Hall plus we have Christmas gigs booked already.
This group is for reasonably experienced players and is full, however I have noticed that Hayling Library is advertising a course of beginner’s ukulele lessons beginning in November.
Avril Keyes
Group report
This is an article published in the Spring 2017 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter...
The ukulele group performing as the Hayling Huggers had a busy winter season. We began with playing for The Rowans Christmas Fair in November and ended with a pantomime, Alice in Blunderland, at Northney village hall in January. In between we played a number of other gigs. All in all we raised just over £600 for Naomi House/Jack's Place Hospice.
As usual we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and met some great people along the way.
Avril Keyes