
Hayling Island u3a is managed and run entirely by volunteers.

Our activities are run by group and event leaders drawn from our membership.

Overall management is the responsibility of the committee.

The committee

is comprised of...

Role Filled by
Chair Julie Taylor
Vice chair Trevor Brash
Secretary Fiona Bartlett
Treasurer Bob Hornby
Membership Secretary Peter Haskell
Group Co-ordinator Bridget Docwra
Speakers Secretary Sonia Keeble
Publicity Officer Alan Bartlett
Newsletter Editor Robert Bull
Network Co-ordinator and asset manager Maura Chapman

Other roles

Role Filled by
Visits coordinators Richard and Jan North
Web site editor Andy Henderson

Group leaders

We would, of course, be unable to function without the support of our group leaders. Here's a list of our current leaders and the groups they lead. Click any group name for more information:

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