Local history 1

Availability: Full at present

Group leader: Andrea Burton - Contact Andrea

This group is not currently accepting new members. If you would like to join this or a similar group, please register your interest. That will allow us to notify you if a place becomes available. If enough people register an interest we will try to create a new group.

From January 2025, this group will become the British history group. We have set up the new group here.

We meet in the afternoon of the 2nd Monday of the month at 2pm, in member’s homes, and so we are limited in numbers due to space. We research topics of interest across a wide spectrum of places, events and people, and where appropriate organise group visits to associated places. Our scope includes infrastructure and services, such as roads, water and lifeboats, as well as industries such as fishing, farming and smuggling.

Research has become much simpler with use of the internet, but there are monographs and trade directories available from local libraries and tourist information offices. We often undertake such research in pairs.

The Hayling U3A Local History groups occasionally organise larger joint meetings, possibly involving rented halls and well-qualified speakers. One such joint activity was a visit to the new Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.

Our recent work has included The Gilbert White Museum at Selborne, and the Alms Houses in Chichester.