Science and technology

Availability: Any member can attend

Group leader: Robert Hornby - Contact Robert

The Science and Technology Group is open to any member of the Hayling Island u3a. Regular members pay a subscription of £5.00 for each session, Autumn, Winter and Spring, whilst occasional members pay a fee of £2 per visit. This donation goes to pay for the hall hire and refreshments.

We meet at St Patrick's church hall on Manor Road on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 2.00 pm for tea and coffee before the presentation at 2.30pm with the exception of August, December and January.

Our purpose is to promote an interest into the very broad field of Science and Technology. At each meeting a speaker, generally drawn from within the ranks of HI u3a, or other local u3a's gives a talk on a subject on which they have some expertise. Subjects have ranged from cardiology and space telescopes to semiconductors, meteorology and explosives! All the talks are of general interest even to those who claim to have no scientific knowledge, so all are welcome.

February meeting is "The Robots are Coming" by John Worley, Havant u3a.

March meeting is "Scuba Diving in the Solent" by Percy Phelps, HI u3a.

April meeting is "Air crashes have made air travel the safest way of travel" by Dr Rod Wing, Fishbourne Science Group