The U3A Trust is running two summer schools this year. The first will run from Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th July at Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire. The second will run from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th September at Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester.
The full programme covers 19 courses including:
- Opera
- French
- Cryptic Crosswords
- Maths
- Art Between the Wars
- Musicals
- Writing a TV Soap
Click here for more details including programme details, costs and booking arrangements.
Click here to see the programme for the 2017 U3A summer schools.
The courses available are extremely varied:
- Cryptic crosswords for beginners
- Regards sur la France actuelle
- Globalisation
- History of the workhouse
- Elizabeth Gaskell
- Look back in anger? School maths from an adult perspective
- Recorder ensemble playing
- Sexuality in the ancient world
- Creative writing - erotic genre
- Key influences on English Garden Design
- Latin in context
- Dickens and Great Expectations
- Music before the microchip
- Exploring English poetry
- Boys Will be Girls [and vice versa]…cross-gender casting in Shakespeare’s plays
- Singing for pleasure
- La Belle Epoque France 1890-1914
- Creative writing for radio
- Drama - from ‘The Living Room’ to ‘The Room’
- Exploring English
- Law and Order in Anglo-Saxon England
- Roots of popular music
- Opera of the ‘Early Romantic’ period
- Intermediate-advanced Spanish
- The Russian revolutions a hundred years on
Click here for more detail including costs and booking.
Step into spring … with The Vivaldi Gloria and other beauties!
The concert will be introduced and conducted by Robert Porter, the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London’s Artistic Director. The programme will include a selection of a cappella and organ favourites, and the ever popular Vivaldi Gloria. The Brandenburg Singers is a small hand-picked group drawn from the finest of the members of the 150 choirs that perform in the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London – the largest choral festival in the UK.
Click here for more details and a booking form.
A programme of three Christmas concerts designed to whet your appetite for the coming season, the concert will include traditional carols and be enhanced by the gentle glow of mulled wine and mince pies.
The concert will feature the Brandenburg Singers and will be introduced and conducted by Bob Porter, the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London’s Artistic Director.
Two of the concerts take place on 7th December, the third on 12th December 2016 - all in London.
Tickets are £19 which includes mulled wine and mince pies.
Click here for more details and a booking form.