The South East U3A Forum is running a summer school in Chichester from Monday 18th June to Thursday 21st June.
Sessions include:
- Bridge Refresher Course
- Culture & Rituals
- Knitting
- Mah Jong
- The Joy of Maths
- Jazz – The Sound of Surprise
- Pagham, Parham and a Palace
- Discovering Techniques in Water Colour Painting (subject to cancellation)
- Portrayal of People, Events & Nature
- Ukulele Tutor
- Walking
- Writing Your Life Story
Click here for more details.
Click here to see the programme for the 2017 U3A summer schools.
The courses available are extremely varied:
- Cryptic crosswords for beginners
- Regards sur la France actuelle
- Globalisation
- History of the workhouse
- Elizabeth Gaskell
- Look back in anger? School maths from an adult perspective
- Recorder ensemble playing
- Sexuality in the ancient world
- Creative writing - erotic genre
- Key influences on English Garden Design
- Latin in context
- Dickens and Great Expectations
- Music before the microchip
- Exploring English poetry
- Boys Will be Girls [and vice versa]…cross-gender casting in Shakespeare’s plays
- Singing for pleasure
- La Belle Epoque France 1890-1914
- Creative writing for radio
- Drama - from ‘The Living Room’ to ‘The Room’
- Exploring English
- Law and Order in Anglo-Saxon England
- Roots of popular music
- Opera of the ‘Early Romantic’ period
- Intermediate-advanced Spanish
- The Russian revolutions a hundred years on
Click here for more detail including costs and booking.