Note to group leaders...
I've been implementing a programme of changes to make it easier for you to work with your group information and related items. See here and here to find out what I've already done for groups, news and articles.
I've now implemented a new set of forms designed to make it easier for you to add and change events (such as group meetings).
To see the new feature in action, log in to the site and either:
- click the 'Add an event to this group' link at the top of your group page; or
- click the 'Update or delete' button in the heading of any event you are authorised to change (you can get to events via your group page or via the calendar)
If you've already explored the new group, news or article forms you will already be familiar with the general approach.
You can find out more about the new capability here.
If you need a feature of the more sophisticated WordPress editing page - such as the ability to reverse a previous change - you can still reach it via the site dashboard.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues.
Andy Henderson
Hayling Island u3a web site editor