Click any heading for more information...
Basic group information
We have designed the web site to be very flexible. Groups need provide only basic information. A minimal group page might look like this:
The page shows:
- A longer description than the group lists
- The group leader(s)
- Links to allow people to contact the leaders
- A side bar listing the forthcoming events (even this is optional, but should normally be present)
The page shows up to four events. The 'More...' link shows all the forthcoming events. Note that events are removed from these lists automatically once they are in the past. In this case, just one event has been added to the group page; it is a recurring event so all occurrences have the same description.
Contacting group leaders
In the previous section we showed how group leaders appear in group pages. Clicking a 'Contact ...' link next to a leader's name shows this page:
This page will show the group leader's telephone number (if available). Note that the page allows someone to send the leader an email without knowing the email address which is not shown to members of the public.
Showing more information
If they want, groups can show considerably more information. In this example...
... the side bar lists:
- Forthcoming events
- Latest news
- Latest articles
The event list includes a social event that has been added individually. Groups can add all their events in this way if they want to provide different information for each one. For example the events might have different topics or locations. Clicking the 'Cycling group social' link provides more information on the event:
This is a particularly complex event that has multiple venues and multiple organisers. Note there is a link to contact the event's organisers. As before, people can send them emails without knowing the recipient's email address. Clicking the 'Show' link next to 'Map' provides a Google map showing the location of HIADS:
As described in the page, the map doesn't show the location of 'Andy Henderson's house' to the public. It appears only if you are logged in to the site.
Showing joint activities
Events can be linked to multiple groups. Each event is entered just once but is linked to from each participating group's page.