U3A visit to Hampton Court on 19 July

Dear Member

You may be aware that Jackie Radford and Terry Foster have both resigned from the U3A Visits Committee due to other commitments. I am pleased to say that Debbie Wilsher has come forward and has now taken over Jackie's role.

This is just to let you know that the visit to Hampton Court is now open for bookings. We had originally wanted to combine the visit with a river trip from Chertsey but this proved too expensive and time consuming. In any event there is so much to see at Hampton Court that a day is hardly sufficient.


There is the Tilt Yard Restaurant by the Maze, and visitors are welcome to picnic on any of the benches in the gardens, on the grass in the Tiltyard and Wilderness Gardens, or there are picnic tables in the 20th Century Garden.

More details

The date for the visit is 19 July 2017.

Pick up points and times as follows:

  • 8:30am HIADS
  • 8:35am United Reform Church, Hollow Lane
  • 8:40am Bus stop opposite Tournerbury Lane (Co op)
  • 8:45am Bus stop layby opposite New Cut

We anticipate arrival at Hampton Court by around 10am Departure would be 4:30pm with arrival back at Hayling around 5:30 to 6pm depending on traffic.

Click here for more information.

Booking and payment

Click here to book the visit online via our web site. There's a simple form at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, provide name(s) and your selected pick up point with your cash or cheque payment.

The cost of the visit is £30 per person. You have a number of options to confirm your booking:

  • Pay by cheque or cash at the next U3A meeting on 15 June 2017 (cheques made out to "Hayling Island U3A", please)
  • Post to:
    Debbie Wilsher
    Flat 4
    161 Southwood Road
    Hayling Island
    PO11 9PY
  • You can now make payment by bank transfer to:
    Sort code 14-03-16
    Account number 00732762
    Please quote "Visit" and your name as a reference.

We had a good response at the U3A meeting on the 18 May and to date we have 24 bookings.

Pat Hulls