Hayling Island u3a - September update

In this update:

  • Open day this week!
  • Talk from Malcolm Wells
  • Visit to Winchester

Open day this week!

Yes, it's next Thursday, 16th September. We've created a web page for the event at


Please consider letting friends know about the event and refer them to the web page for details, if that's appropriate.

Talk from Malcolm Wells

You might remember Malcolm gave us a very entertaining talk in January last year. We've invited him back for some more as part of the open day events (and September's monthly meeting). More details here.

There's no Zoom alternative for this talk. Please arrive in good time so you can sign in and be seated for a 2.45 start.

Visit to Winchester

Our next visit will be the traditional trip to a Christmas market - this time we'll be going to Winchester on Wednesday 1st December. More details and a booking form here. As well as booking online, you can book during the open day and pay with cash, cheque or card.

Andy Henderson
Hayling Island u3a web site editor