In this update:
- Violet's Titanic escape
- Future monthly meetings
- Bournemouth air show
- We're on display in the library
- Subscriptions overdue
- You're invited to a quiz night
Violet's Titanic escape
Our next monthly meeting is on Thursday, 20th May at 2pm. Jane Glennie will take us back to the fateful voyage of the Titanic and explain how Violet Jessop - a stewardess - came to be one of the lucky survivors.
We'll be meeting on Zoom. Click this link to find out more about the meeting, how to join and how to test your set-up beforehand.
Future monthly meetings
The committee continues to review the possibility of holding our monthly meetings at the Community Centre. It is not entirely clear how many people we can have in the Main Hall from June 21st but it hopes that we will be able to meet face to face in some form in July 2021.
Bournemouth air show
Our new visits coordinator, Catherine Britton, is taking bookings for a trip to the Bournemouth Air Festival on 3rd September. £30 pays for the coach to Bournemouth and a three course meal in the evening.
You can find out more about the day, and book your place here.
We're on display in the library
... for the whole of June, publicising Hayling Island u3a and our Open Day on 16th September 2021.
Subscriptions overdue
Thank you to everyone who has paid their £5 renewal subscriptions for the new year. So far we've received payments from 313 members.
That leaves 126 members we haven't heard from. If that's you, please:
- Click here to find out how to renew your membership; or
- Let Peter Haskell (, our membership secretary, know if you do not intend to renew
If you are unsure if you've paid, please go to the renewal page where we will show you a message if we've received your subscription. This works regardless of how you made your payment.
You're invited to a quiz night
Havant u3a is holding a Zoom quiz night on Wednesday 26th May at 6.45.
I can't make it, but if you want to participate, let me know and I'll see if there's enough interest to put a team together. The team can include family members and friends provided at least half are u3a members.
If you're interested, please get back to me by Friday 21st May.
Andy Henderson
Hayling Island u3a web site editor