In this update:
- What the butler saw
- Potential problem with
What the butler saw
At our monthly meeting next Thursday Dr Robert France, a National Trust volunteer at Uppark and Petworth, will introduce us to Stedman, Petworth's Georgian butler, who will share his experiences and some things that he probably should not have seen!
We'll meet at the Community Centre at 2pm. More details here.
If you can avoid parking at the Community Centre, that will help members that have no option - some of whom had to turn around and go home last month. The Barley Mow is a short walk from the centre, and it is happy to provide us with extra car parking when we hold our monthly meetings.
Potential problem with
The last step in our web site move is to transfer to our new provider.
During this time, it's possible that you will see errors if you try to use the old address or email addresses like
Our new address: will be unaffected and emails sent to will continue to get through.
Andy Henderson
Hayling u3a web site editor