In this update:
- Monthly meetings
- Birds and wildlife group
- Mughal India: Art and culture
- How to: find a good walk
Monthly meetings
As usual, there is no monthly meeting in December. At our January meeting we'll hear how illness in world leaders has affected history.
Birds and wildlife group
A group of us met after the November meeting to discuss options for the new group. We decided to start with a 'visits' group that will arrange trips to various locations to discover birds and wildlife. Where possible we'lI try to make them accessible to those with mobility issues. We'll also arrange car-sharing for those that need it. I already have several trips 'pencilled in'. I'll publish more details in the new year.
Mughal India: Art and culture
The U3A Trust has arranged this presentation at The British Library Knowledge Centre Theatre on March 27th. Click here for more detail and to book tickets.
How to: find a good walk
Continuing our series about how to make good use of our web site...
For the last year, the Walking group has been recording its walks. You can see a map at the bottom of each walk's description so you can repeat the route whenever you want. All the walks end near a pub so they are ideal for a trip out with family or friends.
If you have a GPS device or a phone with GPS software, you can download an electronic copy of the route to be sure of following it correctly.
For your convenience, we link each walk from a single article on the web site. Click here to see it. Alternatively, you can see all the articles of general interest by going to the site and clicking/tapping 'News & articles' and 'Articles' in the menu bar. Note that some articles appear only when you are logged in to the site.
This and other web site features are described in the online web site walkthrough.
If you'd like to publish your own article, please let me know.
We send this email on the week-end before each monthly meeting. If you have something you'd like to include please let me know.
Andy Henderson
Web site editor, Hayling Island U3A