This web site holds some basic information about you in a profile:
- Your name and password
- Your contact details
- Your membership information
- Your email preferences
You can update your profile via this site. For example, you can change your:
- password to something more memorable
- email address - all emails sent via the site will start using your new address immediately
- home address - we will start using your new address for the Third Age Trust magazine and, if appropriate, the printed copy of the HIU3A newsletter
- preferences for how the web site uses your details
The following sections describe how to update your profile. Click on any heading to display more information. Note that several of the sections include reduced-size screen shots, click the screen shot to see a larger version...:
Privacy policy
Any personal information you provide to us is held on the understanding that the information should not be divulged to any person or organisation unless solely necessary for the operation of this u3a. You can read more about our privacy policy here.
Get to your user profile
To update your user profile, you must first log in to the site. You've already done that or you wouldn't be able to read this article.
To see your user profile:
- Click the 'Your profile' link at the foot of any of the site's pages;
- Click the link provided in the message at the bottom of all emails you receive from the HIU3A web site;
- In the menus, click 'Member services' and 'Your profile; or
- Click this link.
Mandatory and optional fields
Fields shown with a yellow background are mandatory. You must provide something in these fields. Fields with a white background do not require you to enter anything. You cannot change fields with a grey background - you will have to contact the membership secretary at to get that data changed.
Name and password section
You will see this section at the top of your profile.
It contains:
- Title - click one of the options shown, or enter something else in the yellow box
- The first name you prefer to be known by (e.g. Tony)
- Your given name if different (e.g. Anthony)
- Your last name
- Web site username: needed when you log in; once created it cannot be changed
- Password: leave blank unless you want to change your current password. If you want to make a change, enter it twice to be sure you enter it correctly. Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
If you are having trouble remembering ids and passwords for the sites you visit, we suggest a password storage mechanism such as Lastpass.
Contact details section
These details determine how you can be contacted, and who can contact you.
Please try to remember to update your email address here if it changes. It is the primary means we have to contact you.
If you represent HIU3A - if you are a group leader, for example - you might appreciate having a email address. Let us know if you'd like one.
For most members, your phone number should start 023 92 (not 02392) - the space tells people they can leave off the 023 if they also have a phone number starting 023.
The Royal Mail neither needs nor wants counties in postal addresses.
You can choose to show your contact details to:
- All members
- No other members
- Just members who belong to a group you belong to
- Regardless of the setting:
- your phone number is visible if you are a group leader
- people helping to administer the HIU3A - such as the Membership Secretary - can see your details
- group leaders have access to your emergency contacts
- People (including members of the public) are given the opportunity to email members from some of our pages - we do not, however, disclose your email address to do that
Please consider providing emergency contacts - they could be extremely helpful if you should ever become unwell during a u3a activity.
Membership section
Most of the information shown here is for information only.
You can, however, change your gift aid status. If you select 'Yes' we can increase your subscription by 25% at no cost to you. You will, however, see a declaration that you must agree to before continuing with a 'Yes' option. In particular, you must pay enough tax to cover the extra contribution.
To opt in to, or opt out from, the printed version of the HIU3A newsletter we provide a link to a simple form to make that change.
Otherwise you will have to contact the Membership Secretary at to get the information changed.
Email preferences section
This section determines which emails you receive.
Select 'Yes' against 'Do you want emails sent to all u3a members' to receive circular emails sent to everyone.
You can also specify whether you want to receive emails sent from the site to group members. Each group that you belong to is listed - untick those you don't want to hear from. Note that the box is ticked automatically for new memberships.
If you belong to a group that is not listed, please contact your group leader(s) who can add you - or ask a site administrator to add you on their behalf.
Confirm your update
To confirm your changes, click the 'Update' button at the foot of the user profile page. If there's a problem you will see a red box listing errors that need to be corrected. Otherwise you will see a green 'Success' message.
Administrator access
If you have administrator access to the form, you will see three main differences:
- If you call up the form via menu option: Member services / Membership services / User profiles, or if you click the 'Cancel' button at the foot of the page, you will see an option to select a member. That allows you to change any member's profile.
- In the Membership section of the form you are able to change the following:
- Membership type: one of 'Full member', 'Associate member (someone that has produced evidence of membership of another u3a), 'Honorary member (for whom we waive the membership fee) or Discretionary member (usually the carer of a member for whom we do not charge a fee).
- HI newsletter opt out. If a household opts out from receiving the printed copy of the newsletter, you should set this to 'Yes' for all members of the household so we show the correct status to each member (the 'Members at a given postcode' report is designed to help you identify members of the same household). Similarly, if a household opts back in, you need to set this to 'No' for all members of the household.
- Magazine addressee. We send just one copy of the Third Age Trust magazine and HIU3A newsletter to each household. This field determines who in each household receives them. Enter one or more titles. If we detect the title refers to a single person (e.g. "Mr" or "Mrs") we will address the publication to {title} {first name} {last name} e.g. "Mr Joe Bloggs". Otherwise we will omit the first name in which case addressees will look like "Mr & Mrs Bloggs".
- Date joined - this is set automatically by the web site when we process a new joiner so you shouldn't need to change it, we provide the option just in case.
- Retired reason - If you set this to 'Lapsed' (indicating the person is no longer a member) or 'Deceased' the person is - in effect - removed from the web site. They no longer appear as group members and cannot be found in the member lookup. The person can no longer log in to the web site. If the member belonged to any groups, you will be asked to complete an email that will be sent automatically to the leaders of all those groups explaining the situation.
- The payments section lists all the subscription payments made on the members' behalf.
- The 'Admin notes' section allows you to record extra information about the member. For example, to explain problems we had with their email address.
- You see two extra buttons at the foot of the page:
- 'Cancel' allows you to select a different member without making an update
- 'Update and select another member' allows you to make a change and move immediately on to update another member.
Please consider updating your email program to trust emails from domain ''. That will prevent emails from the site from being treated as spam.