When you become a member of a group, you can use several services that take account of your membership - we call them the 'your' services:
- Your groups - under Groups in the menu bar - lists all the groups you belong to. That makes it easier to find the groups you are interested in.
- Your calendar - under Events in the menu bar - shows a calendar that includes only events from the groups you belong to.
- News from your groups - under News & articles in the menu bar - shows the past 90 day's news from the groups you belong to.
- Articles from your groups - under News & articles in the menu bar - shows a sumary of the articles raised by the groups you belong to.
- RSS newsfeed page - linked from page footers - shows an additional option to link to a feed of entries from the groups you belong to.
- iCalendar feed page - linked from page footers - shows options to allow you to select one or more of: all groups you belong to; monthly meetings; and visits.
Note that all the above services (except the iCalendar feed) automatically include monthly meetings, visits and 'HI U3A' groups where appropriate in 'your' groups because all members automatically belong to those groups.