Get notified of changes

We provide four different ways to keep you up-to-date with the web site:

News pages

You can see two kinds of news page:

  • Groups can add their own news items that are linked automatically from their group page
  • News that's of general interest is linked from the menu bar under 'News & articles'
Email notifications

When someone creates or changes: an event, a news item or an article, they can opt to notify U3A members. Members control which email notifications they see through their profile page (described later in the walkthrough).

News feed

We generate a feed of web site changes using the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) standard. Any RSS feed reader can read our feed and let you know what has changed.

You can read more about RSS here.

You can read more about news readers (including some free ones) here.

We link to a newsfeed page from the footer shown at the bottom of every page. It provides the link you need to add our feed to a news reader.

Electronic calendar interface

If you use an electronic calendar on a device attached to the internet, there's a good chance you can use our industry-standard iCalendar feed to add U3A events to your calendar automatically.

The iCalendar page linked from the footer at the bottom of every page provides more detail and the link you need to include U3A events into your calendar.

Some entries in the web site are visible only to U3A members. To see these private entries you need to log in. In addition, if you log in, you will see an 'News from your groups' menu item and the two feed pages will show you extra options.