Backstage Secrets at the renowned Theatr Clwyd in Flintshire, Wales is a hands-on day of workshops including painting scenery; lighting and sound; wigs and makeup; and a drama acting workshop led by a theatre Clwyd.
More details and a booking form for the event, which takes place on Thursday 17th May, here.
The Ambassador Theatre Group’s West End Creative Learning team have created this one day bespoke event to bring together up to 75 U3A members from across the UK to enjoy the experience of working with West End professionals to discuss a variety of different aspects of Shakespeare – including textual analysis of some famous pieces, discussions regarding historical context versus modern interpretation and group readings of scenes and monologues.
The event takes place on 3rd November at the Piccadilly Theatre, London. Tickets cost £35.
Click here for more details and a booking form.