Note to group leaders...
It's the time of year to review your group's programme of meetings/events and transfer it to the HIU3A web site.
The chances are we will not show any activity for your group(s) from the start of April (although some groups give us a programme based on the calendar year).
Can I ask you please to let me know your likely programme up to 31st March 2023. I don't need to know individual dates. Something like 'Every 4th Tuesday' or every two weeks starting ...' will do. You might, however, want to let me know of exceptions around Christmas, New Year and, perhaps, other holidays. I'll also need to know start time, and end time if it's a fixed duration.
You can, of course, update your group programme(s) yourself. There's more about how to do that here. Otherwise, please let me know your group programme(s) and I will make the change for you. If I don't hear from you by 31st March, I will assume you will continue on your existing schedule and will make 'intelligent' guesses about your December and January meetings.
If you don't already have a programme in the web site, there's nothing I can do without hearing from you.
It's important to maintain the programme in the web site so:
- Members can refer to it if they are unsure of meeting dates
- We automatically populate members' electronic diaries with the right information (see here for more details)
- Group leaders looking for gaps in the monthly schedule to set up their meetings are aware of your group and can avoid unnecessary clashes
- Prospective new members get a good idea of the range of our activities
- People looking to join activities on particular days of the week, get to know about your group
I look forward to hearing from you,
Andy Henderson
Hayling Island u3a web site editor