Here's a summary of recent progress...
I've implemented the RSS newsfeed and updated the newsfeed page to show more detail. The page automatically detects whether you are logged-in and, if so, creates a newsfeed link that allows you to include members-only content in the feed.
That completes the coding I need to do to implement my original proposal except for operational data maintenance.
Bryan and I have yet to discuss how best to proceed with operational data. I have, however, developed a testbed to prove that I can exchange structured data between a Windows desktop program and the web site. All exchanges are protected by strong encryption. That means I can securely update the web site from Bryan's database or vice versa.
I've created an initial version of the web site walkthrough. There's a link to it from the footer of each web page. You might find it a useful way to review the work I've done to date. Please have a read through and let me know what you think.
I've also implemented two additional features:
- The 'Contact us' page now includes a Google 'I am not a robot' challenge to minimise scope for spammers.
- We can now show routes in a page. You can see a sample of how it works here.
Based on feedback to date, I've made the 'Blue' colour scheme the default. Let me know if you think we should include the colour changer page in the web site.
I've started the process of capturing content for the web site.
Still to do:
- Operational data maintenance, enquiry and reporting (subject to discussion with Bryan)
- Documentation
- 'How to's
- Developer notes
- Data capture
- Members - testbed developed
- Groups - in progress
- News
- Articles - in progress
- Events - in progress
- Pages - in progress