Longer U3A walk in June

I'm proposing a longer U3A walk around Thorney Island. The total distance is around 8.5 miles (taking in a pub stop). More details about the walk - including start point and time - here. I've put a stake in the ground for Friday 15th June, but that's up for discussion. Here are several dates that I can make:

  • Thursday, June 14th
  • Friday, June 15th
  • Monday, June 18th
  • Tuesday, June 19th

If you'd like to come on the walk, can you please let me know, for each date, which applies:

  • Yes, I can make it
  • Yes, but I'd rather not
  • No, I can't make it

Note that the Thursday and Friday will provide the best opportunities to see basking seals off the south of Thorney.

That will help me spot the best date and - if the weather forecast isn't good - a suitable alternative date.



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