I've scheduled three walks for March, April and May:
- Froxfield, 6½ miles on Friday 15th March
- Selborne, 7½ miles on Friday 12th April
- Arundel, 7½ miles on Friday 17th May
Click any of the links above for more detail.
I will lead the first two and Peter Haskell will lead the third.
I'm working with Mary Cooper to add more walks to complete the programme through to October. I'm particularly looking forward to a walk around the Devil's Punchbowl. I'll let you know when the programme is complete.
In the meantime, if you plan to come on any of the walks, please let me know so we know to look out for you. If you can't make any of the dates but you'd still like to do the walk, let me know and I'll see if we can arrange a recce walk to suit you.
Andy Henderson