Hayling u3a web site has moved!

It's now at its new address: haylingu3a.org instead of haylingu3a.org.uk.

If you try to use the old address you will be redirected to the new one automatically.

Emails sent from our site now come from haylingu3a.org. Please update your email software to trust emails coming from that address. There are two easy ways to do that:

  • Add andy@haylingu3a.org, chair@haylingu3a.org and emailer@haylingu3a.org to your email address book; most email providers will take that as a hint that you're happy to receive our emails.
  • If you find any of our emails in your spam folder, please look for a 'Not spam' button. Using the button will reduce the chance of future emails going to spam, not just for you but for other members too.

If you have a haylingu3a.org email address it will continue to work as before but you will now have an equivalent haylingu3a.org address. We will automatically update your profile to use the new address if appropriate.

Hopefully, the switchover has been a smooth one but if you see any problems or if you have any questions, please let me know.


Andy Henderson