In this update:
- Subscriptions are now due
- Open day is postponed
- u3a on TV
Subscriptions are now due
From Peter Haskell, our membership secretary...
Renewal subscriptions for 1st April 2021 until March 31st 2022 are now due and can be paid. To reflect the year we have had, the renewal fee for this year is £5 for all except honorary members.
Click here to find out how to renew. You can also get to the renewal information via one of the blue boxes on the u3a web site home page. Follow the simple and clear instructions on ways to pay. On receipt of your subscription I will send you your new membership card by email. Please allow a few days for this.
Please note:
- If your bank requires you to choose between 'Business' and 'Personal ' (or equivalent) when making a bank transfer, please choose 'Personal '.
- If you pay your subscription by standing order, please remember to update the payment amount. It will help us if you could complete the renewal form as well.
Open day is postponed
The Government’s roadmap does not allow large gatherings until at least 21st June which, unfortunately means we have to delay our plans for a u3a open day. We’re looking at dates in September and we’ll announce the actual date once we’re reasonably confident in it.
u3a on TV
The u3a featured on ITV's 'Tonight' programme last Thursday at 7pm. A lot of TV's and set-top boxes have a catch-up service that would allow you to watch it. You can also see it here; you will need to create a free account at ITV hub if you don't have one already. The whole programme on 'How to age well' might be of interest, the u3a segment starts around 12 minutes in.
Andy Henderson
Hayling U3A web site editor