Hayling Island u3a - June update

In this update:

  • The life of Agatha Christie
  • We have a new Secretary
  • Library display
  • Subscriptions
  • Bournemouth air show

The life of Agatha Christie

Our next monthly meeting is this Thursday 17th June at 2pm. David Allen will talk to us about Agatha Christie exploring her incredible life and the inspirations for her most famous characters, with readings from her work.

There are more details about the meeting here.

We have a new Secretary

I'm pleased to be able to tell you that Fiona Bartlett has agreed to replace Maura Chapman as our secretary.

Thank you, Maura for the work you have put in since the beginning of HIU3A. And thank you, Fiona for stepping forward.

Library display

For the rest of June the Hayling library is showing a display, organised by Linda MacDonald, advertising what we do and letting people know about our open day planned for 16th September.


If you have paid your subscription for 2021/22, thank you.

We have still to hear from 91 members. Please let Peter Haskell know if you don't intend to renew. Otherwise, you can find out how to renew here and in the spring newsletter. The renewal fee is just £5.

If you are unsure if you have renewed, or not, log in here to find out.

Bournemouth air show

We are taking bookings for a trip to the Bournemouth Air Festival on 3rd September. £30 pays for the coach to Bournemouth and a three course meal in the evening.

You can find out more about the day, and book your place here.

Andy Henderson
Hayling Island u3a web site editor