Notices covering:
- Live monthly meetings
- Annual subscriptions
- Bournemouth air show
- Open day 16th September
- Mount cutter
- Hayling Island u3a books
- Barley Mow facilities and relationships
We are coming back – live monthly meetings from July 15th
We are planning to reintroduce live monthly meetings from next month - 15th July. Our first in-person speaker will be Andrew Negus who will present the latest in his 'Weird, wild & wonderful' series.
However, as restrictions have not been lifted this month, the number of people allowed in the Hayling Island Community Centre main hall will be significantly reduced. We are therefore introducing this meeting as a trial with the view of taking it forward with enough interest.
There will be 80 places available for this first meeting and entry will be via ticket only. To ensure equal opportunities for all members, you can obtain tickets only by telephone. The ticket line will be open from 10.00 am – 17.00 pm on July 5th only.
Log in to see the ticket line phone number.
To ensure there are no hold ups in getting people into the hall you will be given a time to arrive and be seated. Everyone must be signed in via the NHS App QR code reader or a paper register which can cause delays.
Teas and coffees will be available at the meeting – but you will not be able to drink standing and chatting. Tables will be available for people to sit in groups of no more than 6.
Masks will be required until you are seated. As soon as you are moving around hall masks must be worn.
In addition to the live meeting, we are going to trial doing a Zoom meeting alongside. At the moment we are not totally sure of the feasibility of this process and how easy it will be to implement. It may work better with some speakers than others but we feel that there were significant numbers of people who have found the Zoom meetings both enjoyable and beneficial to warrant us giving it a go. We will send out Zoom details nearer the time.
Annual subscriptions
The annual subscriptions were due in April 2021. There are some subscriptions that have not been paid so far this year. For those that don’t like using cash – we now have a card reader machine that can take your credit or debit card.
The next visit is Bournemouth air show on the 3rd September. There are spaces still left for this excellent priced day trip (£30) for the day including a 3 course meal. Please click here for more details and to book a place, or come to the monthly meeting (remember to get a ticket for the meeting). The card reader will be available at all our monthly meetings.
Our Facebook page has been updated and we want to raise our profile. Please share/like our page so that we get more publicity about our activities.
Open day 16th September 2021
Please put this date in your diaries. We are still planning for an Open Day which can showcase many of our activities to the public and of course our members. Plans are very much underway and hopefully you will be happy to volunteer throughout the day. We will be looking for volunteer parking stewards and general meeters and greeters throughout the day. Watch this space and do get involved if you can.
Mount cutter
We are currently storing a mount cutter which was originally bought for use by the photography group. This has not been used for many years. Did you realise we had such a device – and would your group like to use it? Please let us know.
'Hayling Island Life and Times' and 'The Years of Change' books available
We still have both of these books for sale. It is our intention to sell them more widely over the next year: at our Open Day, locally and on the internet; so get your copies now. They can be purchased at monthly meetings for £6.50 each or £12 for the pair.
The Barley Mow facilities and developing relationships
Anne and Julie have had some very positive discussions with the manager at the Barley Mow about utilising its facilities and services. The pub has a couple of areas suitable to book during the day for groups to meet. There is no room charge as such but obviously they would like us to purchase a drink along the way. Tea or coffee costs £1.99 for unlimited top ups.
In addition, they are happy to provide us with extra car parking when we hold our monthly meetings. We plan to use this car parking facility for the committee mainly so that others can use Community Centre one. We are not required to display a ticket in the car.
The Barley Mow is happy to give 20% discount on food etc if the u3a holds functions there. It might be worth thinking about for your group Christmas celebrations this year.
Thanks from Anne, Julie and the rest of the committee