Hayling Island U3A - January notices

The following are the notices for January 2021...

Monthly Meetings

We successfully held a Zoom monthly meeting on the 21st January. This was a trial run to see what the uptake would be. Bob Hornby kindly offered to do a talk on his Kenyan Safari which was very interesting with colourful photographs. We had 44 members attend the meeting and all those that attended agreed that we should continue with our monthly meetings in this format until the Covid situation allows us to open the doors again.

The meeting on February 18th is Cunard history and glamorous stars by Steve Herra.

The meeting on March 18th is Look into my eyes by Alan Jones.

We will publish Zoom access details on the web site and by email closer to the time.


We currently plan to hold last year's AGM at the April Monthly meeting on 15th April 2021. If we are unable to hold this at the Hayling Community Centre due to Covid restrictions we will decide whether to hold it via Zoom nearer the time. There are still a couple of Executive Committee posts that need to be filled so please help us find suitable people to continue to run our successful U3A prior to the meeting.

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due in April 2021. The subscriptions will be £5 for renewals this year. All new memberships will be £15 as normal but we feel that those who continued with their subscription over the past year, should have a reduced rate.

Coffee Mornings

Would you like to meet up with some of the U3A members at a weekly coffee morning? We are starting a trial of Zoom Coffee mornings on Thursday at 10.30 am. Bring your own coffee or tea and a biscuit (or even a piece of cake) and join us for a chat. Click here for more details.

Visits Co-ordinator

Debbie Wilsher is standing down as Visits co-ordinator this year so we are looking for someone or a group of people who would be able to take over this position. Debbie has the Bournemouth Air Show in the calendar for September and is willing to show willing volunteers the ropes.


The next full newsletter will be in April with details of the AGM.

Open Day 17th June 2021

Please put this date in your diaries. We are still planning for an Open Day which can showcase many of our activities to the public and, of course, our members. We have already held a meeting this month to start the planning with many of the Interest Group Leaders. If the Covid situation continues such that we have to postpone then we at least have the plans in place already. Watch this space and do get involved if you can.

Anne Hollis and Julie Taylor
Hayling U3A joint chairs