In this update:
- Notices from the Executive Committee
- And another thing...
Notices from the Executive Committee
It is a while since we sent out any notices and so much has changed. We hope that you are all well and managing to get back to some of your activities, even though life is still currently very different to that we have ever known.
The following are the notices from the Executive Committee August 2020:
- The Monthly meetings for August, September and October 2020 remain cancelled.
- Overdue subscriptions: Members are reminded that subscriptions for 20/21 are now overdue. Those of you who have not paid will be sent a separate letter from the Membership Secretary. Details of how to pay are:
- on the web site, and via the link on the home page
- in the online Newsletter (News and articles - Newsletter - Membership Secretary Report); and
- on page three of the printed Newsletter.
- If you are unsure whether you have paid already, click here.
- HIU3A was due to have its AGM in September but the committee have deferred it until November when it is hoped that we will be able to meet in the Community Centre. The number of attendees may be restricted due to social distancing rules, but we will know more nearer the time. We will be producing a Newsletter in October, which will contain more details about the AGM but we will continue to keep you up to date prior to the scheduled meeting.
- The following Executive Committee roles will be coming up for election and nomination forms will be included in the next Newsletter. In the meantime, please would you consider taking on one of these valuable roles to continue the smooth running of the HIU3A. The roles are:
- Vice-Chairman
- Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Interest Group Co-ordinator
- Speakers Secretary
- Newsletter Editor
- Publicity
- U3A Network Liaison Officer
Further information on any of these committee positions can be obtained from the Secretary.
If you know of a member of the U3A that does not use email, please pass on the above notices so that we keep all our members informed.
Thank you
Anne and Julie
And another thing...
You're invited to participate in a study into memory in the general population via an online survey. Click here for more details and a link to the survey.
We've received the following request from New Zealand:
I am hoping you will be able to solve a mystery for me.
Over 50 years ago I used to spend all my holidays in a caravan along from Sparkes boat yard, my Dad owned a section (plot) with a caravan.
Anyway, to the mystery. On the beach, in front of "The Nab club" there was, or is, a ship's anchor that becomes visible at low tide, I have often wondered how it got there. Hope you can help. It was fairly close to the sea wall.
Let me know if you can help,
Andy Henderson
Hayling Island U3A web site editor