In this update:
- The Samaritans
- Salisbury visit
- Can you help?
The Samaritans
Next Thursday's monthly meeting will introduce us to the work of the Samaritans. We will hear how Samaritans started along with topics including how they work and the challenges they face, their work in the community, how they are funded and what it takes to be a Samaritan. The talk will last around 40 minutes leaving plenty of time for questions.
Salisbury visit
We are taking bookings for the visit to Salisbury Cathedral and Christmas Market on 13th December. Click here to book online, or you can book and pay at the monthly meeting. Alternatively you can send your payment direct to Debbie Wilsher.
Can you help?
We are seeking new storage facilities in which to keep the various items of equipment used at the public meetings plus exhibition and display materials. A dry lock up garage would be the ideal solution so if anyone knows of one that is not being used, we would like to hear from them. A modest rental would be available. Alternatively, we have been offered a summer house that would be suitable for storage but requires a site in a garden. If you have such a spare plot in your garden, then again please make yourself known to a member of the committee. Access would only be required once or twice a month.
We send this email on the week-end before each monthly meeting. If you have something you'd like to include please let me know.
Andy Henderson
Web site editor, Hayling Island U3A