The following were the announcements at the latest monthly meeting. The Executive Committee have decided that all members should receive this information even if they do not attend the meeting:
- We are sad to announce the deaths of John Philips and Paul Chapman.
- Paul Chapman’s funeral is on 24th Jan at St Patrick’s Church at 1.30 pm.
- There was a round of applause and a moment silence for Paul Chapman who has been a huge player in the start up and growth of Hayling U3A and will be sadly missed.
- Phil Blagdon gave a short talk about a new group he wants to set up so that several pairs can be entered into the Uckers Championship 2020 from the Hayling U3A. If anyone wishes to participate can they contact us.
- We are looking for a volunteer to help and shadow the Interest Group co-ordinator this year. As we continue to grow as an organisation we are getting many new interest groups and therefore the work load for one volunteer is becoming greater. If anyone wishes more information please contact us.
- The annual membership subscriptions of £15 are due by the end of March for the year 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021. We will start to collect subs at the February and March monthly meetings. We are looking for volunteers to help man the tables to take monies prior to these meetings. If you are interested in helping and have not already told us please contact us.
- We have started a meet and greet table for new members and visitors who would like help of information about our activities. We would like volunteers to help man this table prior and during our monthly meetings. It would be good for new members to meet other non committee members at this table. If you are willing to volunteer to help man the table for a meeting this year please contact us.
- We are putting a suggestion box out at monthly meetings. If you have any suggestions regarding any aspect of the Hayling U3A we would welcome your input. Suggestions can be anonymous but we would prefer to be able to discuss details further with you.
- As we are nearing the start of a new membership year we would like to encourage you to check your contact details and emergency contact that we hold. This can be done on the website (or use the link at the bottom of any of our emails) but if you have difficulty doing this then contact Peter Haskell, the membership secretary.
- The next walk will be on Monday 27th January. The walk starts at the Ferryboat taking the ferry across to Eastney and then walking to Southsea. Further details are on the website.
- The next visit is to Kew Gardens on the 6th May. Further details are on the website.
- The next S&T meeting is on Wednesday 22nd January at St Patrick’s Hall at 2pm. The topic is "The Internet".
- We are still looking for members keen to get involved with the production of the newsletter. If you are interesting in joining the subcommittee then please contact us.
Could Group Leaders please give out the following notices to any of their members not on email so that all members get the information.
Julie and Anne.