Ukulele Thursday and Ukulele Friday are two groups that meet fortnightly to enjoy playing Ukuleles informally in small groups for fun. Our standards are variable but nobody worries about that, only about gradually getting that little bit better as time goes by. Some are new starters or have started only recently, perhaps after a few lessons, while others have been playing longer and just like to play in a small relaxed environment where we can try out new or different songs or playing styles without worrying about going wrong – we do that quite often! Sometimes though we amaze ourselves by sounding quite good. Songs range from those we enjoyed as teenagers to the more contemporary.
Most of us sing as well as play and gradually build enough confidence to play with other groups in the area. Some but not all of us do this.
If you have a Ukulele lying about or it was an unused gift why not give it an airing – it is a very therapeutic activity. At the time of writing we are welcoming new members on Ukulele Friday although Ukulele Thursday is almost full.
Our meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursday mornings of the month or the 1st and 3rd Friday afternoons and we break for tea and coffee – see the last biscuit in the photo that everybody was too polite to take!
Contact details are on the Hayling Island U3A website and in the Newsletter.
Come along and give us a try.
Peter Haskell
This is an article published in the Spring 2020 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter .
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