This is an article published in the Summer 2018 newsletter ….
The Globe visit on 25 April was very successful and included the opportunity to visit Tate Modern and the Millennium Bridge. The journey up was horrendous but the return journey was without incident.
The Longleat visit on 13 June was poorly attended and resulted in a loss, although those who went on the visit had a thoroughly enjoyable day.
Unfortunately, the visit to Swanage on 17 August has lost the opportunity to sail on the cutter “Moonfleet” as its base has been transferred to Portland. But there is still plenty to do on this visit.
A show of hands at a recent U3A monthly meeting indicated a poor response to a visit to the Christmas Market at Bristol on the 19 December. The venue has now been altered to Bournemouth where the Market is in the heart of the shopping area.
Plus points: a later start at 9am and an ideal way to visit Bournemouth by coach thus avoiding the nightmare parking situation of travelling by car !
We do need to keep the numbers up for each visit. Please let members of U3A who do not attend meetings or visit the website know what they are missing !
The easiest way to book a place on a visit is to go to our U3A web site. Look under the heading ‘Events’ then select ‘Visits” and follow the instructions shown under 'Your bookings' at the end of the description. Members can also book visits at the monthly meetings. We have a table set up for this purpose.
Patrick Hulls