This is an article published in the Christmas 2018 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter….
The camera group’s move to a new venue at the golf club is proving to be successful and the staff have been very welcoming.
Our monthly subjects are well supported and recently we have shapes/patterns, containers, flowers and something beginning with J and there were many humorous takes on this. The November subject is "toys" the photo to be taken from three different angles of the same setting.
We are again doing a small panel for our Christmas meeting this time using the letters FOCUS. (U is not easy!). The meeting will be followed by lunch at the club.
Because of the new venue we are in a position to invite new members to join us. So if you would like to make use of your camera other than the annual holiday "snaps" do come along and try us. We meet at the golf club on the last Wednesday of the month from 10.00 to 12.00 and you will be very welcome.
Wendy Wildey