This is an article published in the Winter 2017 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter...
It is hard to believe that it is nearly 7 years since I was asked to take over Reading Group 3. At the time I was unsure how it would work out, having never done anything like it before. However I approached the members at that time and proposed that I was quite happy to host the meeting, collect the sets of books and return them to the library and make the tea, and sometimes even make a cake and the group would have to run itself. We began this 'system' in January 2011 and it seems to be working out ok, we are still going and have a full complement of 10 once again. We have had a few changes of membership along the way, a few decided it wasn't for them and unfortunately a couple have passed on, but all in all, it has been a successful venture. The members of the group select books from those available. The person who chooses the book leads the discussion meeting the following month. Some books we all like, there have been a few that none of us have liked but mostly there is a mixed reaction and we are able to enjoy a good discussion. As we all say, Reading Groups are great for discovering books that we would probably never have chosen in the first place. Over the tea and cake we discuss holidays and whatever anyone wishes to share since the previous month.
Long may we continue!!
Pauline Brice