Group report

This is an article published in the Summer 2017 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter...

The group has undergone some changes recently, with two of our long established members deciding to leave us, after ten years! We have enjoyed their company and input to the group and wish them well.

The vacancies were soon filled and we welcome Peter & Diane who are both very interested in local history.

We had planned a visit to the Novium Museum at Chichester to view the Tim Peake exhibition plus details of recent excavations in the district, but that has had to be put on hold for a later date.

So far this year we have looked at the history of the Lifeboat Service on Hayling, heard first-hand about life in the WRENS, from a former member, and recently we have been investigating Hayling Island businesses and in particular where they were (or are!), from old photographs, books and members' memories.

The Island has been unique in its self-sufficiency unlike a city or suburb with almost every occupation and activity happening within a small area, and involving local people.

Hopefully the expected influx of new residents will not change the character of Hayling Island.

Brenda Cotten.

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