The Ukulele Thursday group has continued to evolve both throughout covid and during the relaxations since. The number of players increased during lockdown so that when we were allowed to meet and play live again, we needed a larger venue. The Barley Mow provided their conservatory while the weather was good, as shown, but we now sing and play inside. The picture is captured from Facebook where there is also a live video clip.
We try to accommodate the wide range of song choices we enjoy with varying degrees of success but enjoy the challenges that arise. Fun and a relaxed approach are key, we do have laughter and more recently breakfast together before we start!
We are grateful to Steve Jones who helps us along on bass and very recently Trevor Brash who has taken up the cajon. We are delighted to be asked by the Barley Mow management to play for the Seniors Festive Lunch Event on December 9th as well as somehow having our own group Christmas Lunch!
I guess in the true spirit of the u3a nationally we are most definitely Learning Laughing and Living.
Peter Haskell
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