S&T October Meeting

St Patricks Church Hall will be opening 11th October. I have done a Risk Assessment for using the Hall and submitted it, together with a copy of our Insurance to the Booking Coordinator. So when you arrive please bring a face mask. We should have hand gel and cleaning lotion with us.

Would you please let me know if you are coming to the first meeting after lockdown.

At the October meeting would you please have your £5 donation money ready to pay for the Hall and speakers 'thank you'.

October Speaker is an outside Speaker, Rod Wing, who is presenting, 'The Future of Air Travel', an interesting topic in itself. Rod worked for Rolls Royce Aero Engines, so it should be uplifting!

November's presentation, given by an external speaker, John Worley, who will be presenting 'Balancing the Grid'. This is very topical at the moment on how does the UK's electricity supply become Carbon Neutral!

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.


Bob S&T Group Leader