This is an article published in the Winter 2017 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter...
We have not managed many visits in the last year because there has been a lack of opportunity to visit plays we want to see. Even the resurgence of the New Theatre Royal has not improved matters as their drama programme consists mainly of single night experimental theatre – not to our taste. The summer tends to have a dearth of productions and we enter the panto season next month.
We have made regular visits to see the National Theatre's productions, beamed into the Odeon at Port Solent, most recently Hamlet with Benedict Cumberbatch. At our other favourite venue, the "Spring" at Havant, which hosts two excellent amateur drama companies, our most memorable visit was to see a play about a rest home where the inhabitants were struggling to escape the floods, forgotten by the authorities. Some excellent performances from a touring group of professions.
Peter Hill