Painting & drawing 2 articles

Painting & drawing 2 group articles

Group report

We have enjoyed being back in the hall, working as a group. The hall facilities mean we cannot accommodate more than 18.

Since the U3A Open day we have a full register and 10 on the waiting list. We are now well into this year's programme, having had sessions on Chinese painting, modelling and drawing hats and scarves, and then African animals.

Next time… a busy market scene. So variety is the spice of life! We always have a good chat and a laugh, so a lovely social art group.

Lesley Vincent

This article appeared in the Spring 2022 newsletter.

Group report

We set up a WhatsApp group and have used this and emails to keep in touch.
In July 2020 we all met in the park (distanced of course) and put together ideas for the next year’s programme which started in September. We were hopeful of meeting in the hall by then! How things have changed. We did manage a few weeks of four at a time meeting weekly at the kind invitation of the Men’s Shed. This provided a chance to paint together on a rota basis, but then that stopped with the November lockdown. However we have worked to the programme from home and put pictures of our efforts on WhatsApp.

January programme subject was hats and umbrellas, here are two examples of our work.



We can’t wait to meet again but in the meantime we will continue to paint and share.

We hope to make an exhibition of work completed in Lockdown for our contribution to the Open Day.




Lesley Vincent

This is an article published in the Spring 2021 edition of the Hayling Island u3a newsletter

Group report

We meet every fourth Friday of the month 10.00 to 12.00am, at The Radford Hall. We usually have between 10 and 12 attendees, and there is always room for more. It is always a very relaxed morning, we meet to have fun and experiment with different techniques and approaches. Since Christmas we have done portraits of someone you know, printing with potatoes and other things, and wild animals in any medium.

Lesley Vincent

This is an article published in the Summer 2019 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter

Group report

This is an article published in the Spring 2018 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter....

artWe meet every fourth Friday of the month 10.00 to 12.00am, at The Radford Hall.

There are 18 people who belong and we usually have between 10 and 12 attendees. There is always room for more.

It is always a very relaxed morning, we meet to have fun and experiment with different techniques, and approaches. Since Christmas we have done portraits of someone you know, printing with potatoes and other things, and wild animals in any medium.

Lesley Vincent

Group report

This is an article published in the Summer 2017 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter...

We are just reaching the end of this year’s programme doing a "sporting action" picture using ink as the medium.
We are just reaching the end of this year’s programme doing a "sporting action" picture using ink as
the medium.

We enjoy learning from each other and having a relaxed morning of painting and chat ! We meet on the fourth Friday morning of the month at Radford Hall. There is usually 8-10 of us, so plenty of room for more.

We have all put ideas together for a varied programme for 2017/2018, which includes trying different techniques, mediums, challenges, to develop our skills rather than produce lots of masterpieces....but we do get some!!