Articles for the newsletter

The committee wants to encourage groups to submit regular articles to the HI U3A newsletter. It is therefore asking each group to submit at least one article a year according to the following schedule:

Easter newsletter Summer newsletter Christmas newsletter
Painting & drawing 1 Painting & drawing 2 Painting & drawing 3
Art appreciation Card making Knitting
Family history 1 Family history 2 Family history 3 & 4
French conversation Refreshing our French Writers group
Local history 1 Local history 2 Local history 3
Local history 4 History Computer techniques
Bells Woodwind band Music for fun
Music appreciation 1 Music appreciation 2 Recorders improvers
Cycling Digital photography Beginners photography
Philosophy Current affairs Theatre outings
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3
Bookies Ukes for U Poetry
Beginners Bridge Improvers Bridge Canasta
Dining 1 Dining 2 Mahjong
Scrabble 1 Scrabble 2 Scrabble 3
Scrabble 4 Reading 4
Science & technology
Science & technology
Science & technology

New groups we hope to get off the ground soon.

Note that our three largest groups are asked to submit an article for each edition.

Articles don't have to be very long. Photographs are always useful.

Please let Sue know if there's a better edition for your group - perhaps a significant event that will take place at a different time of year.

Please email articles to Janet Coates-Jones, our newsletter editor. If you log in to the members' area, her email address will appear here.

Janet will let group leaders know the deadline for each edition of the newsletter. The deadline for the next issue - Easter 2016 - is Friday, 4th March.