Birds and wildlife

Availability: No longer meeting

Group leader: Andy Henderson - Contact Andy

BandWThe Birds and Wildlife group is starting as a 'visits' group. We'll be going to sites both on and off the island. The initial programme covers both flora and fauna. Some visits will be dependent on tides or similar factors so we will not be sticking to a fixed day in the month or a fixed time. Also there is scope for some 'ad hoc' events - for example: if someone spots the bee orchids are out on the common. Finally, if weather forecast is poor, we will postpone or cancel the visit.

So, if you are interested, make sure you are on the group's membership list so you get email notification of events, sightings postponements and cancellations. To find out if you are on the list, log in to the members' area then, if you see a 'Membership list' link at the top of this page, you are on the list. If not, ask Andy Henderson to add you to the list.

You do not, however, have to be on the membership list to attend one of the visits. Instead, they will be open to all members unless circumstances dictate limited numbers - in which case booking will be on a 'first-come, first served' basis.

Where possible, visits will be accessible to members with mobility issues but some visits will require walking some distance possibly over rough terrain. The description of each visit will address accessibility.

The intention is that we will travel to visits on the island independently. If you would like a lift to a site, get in touch with Andy and he will try to arrange something for you.

When we go off the island, we will arrange to car-share. Members of the Walking group will be familiar with the arrangement. We will meet in the West Town car-park off Station Road and decide how best to use the available cars and drivers to get to our destination, and back. Alternatively, you might prefer to go direct.