Group report

This is an article published in the Spring 2018 edition of the Hayling Island U3A newsletter....

We struggled on with only four members for a while, but in the last couple of months we have recruited some new members and now we are back to strength.
Our way of operating is that we each take it in turn to research an historical subject and then give a talk on it to the others. There is nothing like having to give a talk to your peers to make you learn your subject. As usual we have had a wide variety of subjects delivered. They have included:

  • The Career of Christopher Columbus.
  • The Drovers of Wales and their link to the formation of Lloyds Bank.
  • The WW2 Battle of the Atlantic.
  • The Heroines of the SOE.
  • The 'Hungry Empire' on the supply of food to the armed forces over the years.
  • The 2nd Battle of Lincoln.

A particularly impressive display was a long talk by Alan Price on the origins of the cosmos and the solar system, entirely without referring to his notes!

As a direct result of talks to the History Group, I have produced a book on the History of British Sea Power; the wars, the battles and the admirals; from Alfred the Great to the Korean War. It is available on Amazon, price £9.

As I said earlier we are now full and not looking for new members at present.

William (Ben) Lyon, March 2018

Go to the History 2 group page