We're taking bookings from Hayling Island U3A members for our visit to RHS Wisley.
The cost to RHS members is £11.50. The cost to non-RHS members is £21.50.
You can book yourself on the visit by contacting Jackie Radford but you must arrange to get your payment to Jackie in order to confirm your booking. Please also let Jackie know where you want to be picked up. The coach will stop at all these places on 13th April:
- HIADS Station Theatre at 9.00am
- United Reform Church, Hollow Lane at 9.05am
- Bus stop lay-by opposite Tournerbury Lane (and the Co-op) at 9.10am
- Bus stop lay-by past the Esso Garage opposite New Cut at 9.15am
You can see these pickup points on the map above (click 'Show' to see it).
[u3a-event-booking maxbookings="51" lastbookingdate="11 April 2016" extrainfotext="Let us know if you are an RHS member, please" costdetail="£21.50 per person or £11.50 for RHS members"]
Thank you for your booking{onbehalfof}.
Please note that your booking will remain unconfirmed until we receive your payment: {costdetail}. We confirm bookings in the order we receive payment, so please let us have your payment as soon as possible.
To make the payment, please post a cheque made out to Hayling Island U3A to:
Jackie Radford
22 St Aubins Park
Hayling Island
PO11 0HQ
You can also pay by cheque or cash at one of the monthly U3A meetings.
Thank you. We've added an entry to our waiting list{onbehalfof}.
Please do not send any money now. If a place becomes available we'll let you know and ask for the payment at that time.