Canterbury tales...

chaucer... freely adapted for the 21st century.

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are as true to life now as they were when he wrote them, over a thirteen year period, towards the end of the 14th century. He used the device of a group of pilgrims travelling from the Tabard Inn in Southwark to the shrine of Thomas à Becket at Canterbury, telling tales to amuse and entertain each other. In this entertaining selection of the Tales, Chaucer’s original Canterbury Tales become modern-day stories told on the cruise liner Canberra.

For example:

  • The Pardoner, who was a rogue salesman, becomes a Financial Adviser
  • Chaucer’s rumbustious Miller becomes Mr Miller, a quality control clerk in a bank

David and VeraThe dramatic presentation will be performed by Chester House Productions: Vera Hughes and David Weller. You might remember the excellent Florence Nightingale presentation at last year's anniversary lunch from the same team.